村上 洋子
1965 広島県生まれ
1985 神戸山手女子短期大学 卒業 会社員生活を経て陶芸を志す
1998 愛知県窯業高等技術専門校 卒業
2000 岐阜県立多治見工業高校 陶磁科学芸術科 卒業
These tableware and vases are decorated with motifs of berries and seeds, and offer a sense of the warmth of nature. The warm and soothing colors of these works are easy to use and fit easily into your home. While maintaining her studio in Tajimi, she also teaches pottery at day services and community centers.
1965 Born in Hiroshima
1985 Graduated from Kobe Yamate Women's Junior College
After working as a company employee, she decided to become a ceramic artist.
1998 Graduated from Aichi Prefectural College of Ceramic Technology
2000 Graduated from Tajimi Technical High School, Department of Ceramic Science and Art