沖 誠
1975 静岡県静岡市生まれ
2007 伊藤東彦氏の元で陶芸を始める
2009 笠間窯業指導所入所
2010 額賀章夫氏アトリエスタッフ
2011 第51回東日本伝統工芸展入選
2012 いばらきデザインセレクション知事選定
2013 第53回東日本伝統工芸選入選
2014 第54回東日本伝統工芸選入選
2014 第2回陶美展入選
2015 ニューヨークにて展覧会出展
The black carbonized firing process and the linearity of the design form make for a regal bowl. Oki's work, which uses the carbon firing technique, has a bold and sharp look because the surface has a subdued feel like an iron. It does not feel heavy despite its weight because the shaving technique called "shinogi" is carefully applied to each piece in a well-balanced manner. The designs result from passionate consideration for the people who cook and use them. As a result, Oki's stylish containers are popular with both men and women.