田中 太郎
窯を持たず、野焼きという焼成方法で作る土器作家。ネイティブアメリカン プエブロ族の「自分たちのための土器を作る」という思想に影響を受け、自身の生活に寄り添い、好きなカレーや酒のための器を作っています。
1990年 東京都生まれ。
2015年、京都精華大学大学院芸術研究科前期博士課程修了。2017年、素材研究バンド「monolith&soilmans note」結成。現在、岐阜県多治見市を拠点に活動。
An earthenware artist who does not have a kiln, but uses a firing method called field firing. Influenced by the Native American Puebloan belief of "making earthenware for themselves," he makes vessels for his favorite curry and sake, which are close to his own life.
Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1990.
In 2015, he graduated from Kyoto Seika University Graduate School of Arts with a Master's degree. 2017, he formed the material research band "monolith&soilmans note". Currently based in Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture.