宮下 将太
0.001gに及ぶ調合、1℃単位の焼成等の 独自研究にて生み出した釉薬の結晶、色彩、テクスチャー を駆使して作られた唯一無二の器です。
1992 神奈川県、横須賀市に誕生
1996 千葉県、木更津市に移住
2010 東京、表参道にて美容師に従事
2013 東京、表参道にてレストランに従事
2016 陶芸に出逢い、岐阜県土岐市に移住、弟子入
2019 独立、岐阜県土岐市に工房を構える
It is a one-of-a-kind vessel made by making full use of the glaze crystals, colors, and textures created through our own research, such as mixing up to 0.001g and firing in units of 1°C. Collaborate with artists of various genres such as music, candles, clothing, bonsai, cooking, flower ceremonies, tea ceremonies, and scientists, and enjoy the world view that is not bound by the frame.